Thursday, January 17, 2008


Like most people I would not like to live through my high school years again. It wasn't horrible but it wasn't the best time of my life either. Mostly angst: boy angst; body angst; parent angst, friend angst; oh and more boy angst haha! There are things that I wish I could change but mostly I wish I had been different, more confident, taken more risks with less fear of what other's may think. It would be interesting to see how the me now would handle high school, I am sure it would be very different. Still given the chance I would not return, once was enough. However there is one thing from my high school times I am happy to relive or rewatch actually, My So-called Life. It was only on one season and that was much too short-lived. There has never been a show that more closely mirrored my life. No I didn't dye my hair "crimson glow", I wasn't brave enough to do that though I wish I had. But all her thoughts, her insights, her feelings about life it's like watching me in high school all over again. If you added the sarcasim of Mtv's Daria you would have a good idea of what I was like. And thanks to the joy of Netflix, I have been enjoying all the ups and downs of high school again, this time from a safe distance of more than a decade plus a husband and baby later! But I still think Jordon Catalano is a cutie!

Just a few quotes I loved then and still do:

Angela - "It just seems like, you agree to have a certain personality or something. For no reason. Just to make things easier for everyone. But when you think about it, I mean, how do you know it's even you?"
Angela - "Things were getting to me. Just how people are. How they always expect you to be a certain way, even your best friend. Like with boys, how they have it so easy. How you have to pretend... you don't notice them... noticing you. Like cheerleaders, can't people just cheer on their own, like, to themselves.

Rayanne - "I think part of him is partly interested in you. Definitely. I mean, he's got other things on his mind."
Angela - "But that's the part that's so unfair. I have nothing else on my mind. How come I have to be the one sitting aroundanalyzing him in like microscopic detail, and he gets to bethe one with other things on his mind."
Rickie - "That is deep."

Rickie - "Did you ever try to protect someone so much that it, like, hurt?"

Patty(mom) - "If Rayanne's not seeing you, and we're not seeing you, who is seeing you?"
Graham(dad) - "And how much of you?"
Angela - "Dad!"
Graham(dad) - "Oh, I'm sorry! I asked a question about your life, didn't I? Woah, what came over me?"

Jordon - "I have all these dreams where I know exactly what to say. Then you tell me... you know... that you forgive me."